should i take my bachelor’s in japan or my home country?

about to graduate from high school in my home country and was wondering if i should take my bachelor’s here or in japan if i plan to work and migrate there. for context, i’m from the philippines.

my original plan was to take get my bachelor’s in international studies (majoring in japan) since they teach the japanese language. that would set me to graduate in 3 years as opposed to most colleges which take 4 years. with that extra year, i planned to take a business level language class in japan to get me adjusted and further my mastery in reading, writing, and speaking.

my problem starts here as i don’t know what to do after that. not sure if i could get many jobs with an international studies degree, so i thought to take a bachelor’s at a school in japan. the extra 4 years should be fine for me, but would it be better to take my degree in japan in the first place? i don’t think i could learn university level japanese in just the 1 year language class, so my options were to either take a gap year to spend 100% of my time self-studying japanese, take a longer japanese course (2+ years), or try for an international school that teaches in english. i don’t know about the latter since i’ve heard english taught programs are not the best. any advice is appreciated, thank you in advance!

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