Planning a 1 week experience for my Dad

Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a nice holiday. I’m looking for support in planning an itinerary for me (28M) and my dad (54M) for a week at end of March. I personally plan to be there for almost a month, but I paid for him to be with me the first week and want to give him the best experience possible. To be honest I’m a just a bit overwhelmed with planning. I have a few ideas, but wanted to see what you all thought. I know he is very interested in traditional Japan and the countryside as well as just experiencing new things. What I’m ultimately looking for are recommendations on places to go, things to do, and places to stay while in Japan (Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo) for 6 days. I understand the broad nature of this post, but it has been a difficult time and I just need help. A few notes to consider in your responses:

\- We are landing in and leaving from KIX and this is his first international travel experience and my second but first on my own

\- We are both pretty open to things and will try anything at least once and love learning about a culture through experience. So far, I know he wants to see some sort of theater(kabuki?), sumo, and onsen, and a bullet train ride but he is honestly just excited to be able to have the opportunity to go. I see there is Sumo in march but I can’t tell where I can buy official tickets.

\- We are both black if that matters in certain spaces

\-I also have no lodging plans yet and wondered if there was a preference between Airbnb or hotel? Maybe another option that I haven’t considered? Would it be smart to stay at one place and make day trips from there? (for example, getting a spot in Osaka for the week and just leaving for 2 days and getting a spot in Tokyo)


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