Has anyone had experiences with marriage counselling/couples therapy here?

Originally posted this in the daily questions thread but after typing it out I realised I’m actually in need of advice tbh

I have a friend who is really going through it, I’m pretty sure his wife is going to divorce him at this rate (which might not be a bad thing tbh… they’ve been together 10 years but thankfully don’t yet have kids), but I don’t think he is at all equipped to salvage/deal with/comprehend the situation.

They don’t seem capable of having a conversation, it always turns into a fight and then days of no talking. He spends his days working from home, stewing in his perpetual bad mood and drinking (imo, to excess). We have suggested getting them help multiple times, but he insists that marriage counselling isn’t a thing here.

I’m sure I’ve seen people have success with some kind of couples therapy here though. He speaks Japanese so that isn’t an issue btw. Did it help? Did it not help? Was it different from what you expected? Can anyone share their experiences? Thank you!!

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