Declaration of taxes: main job and side job

Good morning everyone, sorry if this question has been asked multiple times but after looking up references I couldn’t find an answer to my specific case.

Basically in 2022 until April 2023 I was withholding a student visa, during that time I worked in total 2 part time jobs, job A and job B. I left job B in December 2022 but I received my final salary for that a month later, in January 2023.

In April 2023 I changed my visa from student to worker and I started a full time job in May 2023. I’m still currently working 4-5 hours ca. a month for job A and 40 hours a week for my full time job.

In November 2023 my full time company made us file a tax declaration online in some website and in my case I had to, of course, declare that I received a second salary. It was all an estimate, though, because it would ask me how much money I made in the year 2023 and, since I didn’t receive my 源泉徴収票 (genzen choshu-hyo) yet at the time, it was difficult considering hours varied each month, especially between my student visa period and my worker visa period.

As for today, job A sent me the 源泉徴収票. A couple days ago my full time company gave us the 扶養控除 (fuyoukojyo) to submit as it is to the HR department before mid January.

I consulted with the HR department of my full time job and they’ve been very helpful so far, but for some questions they legit used ChatGPT to answer and I just wanted to make sure with other people before the end of the year.

So far I know that betwern February and March 2024 I have to go to the tax office myself and make the declaration of taxes for my jobs, bringing both 源泉徴収票 (my full time company told me they will give theirs to me in January 2024). But I still have some questions:

– Do I have to submit the 源泉徴収票 that job A gave me to my full time job’s HR department, together with the 扶養控除, or to the tax office in 2024? What happens if I bring it to both places just in case?

– Do I have to contact job B to send me the 源泉徴収票 for the December 2022 salary I received back in January 2023 and declare that too? (I don’t remember the correct amount, but it should have been between 30.000 and 40.000 yen)

– Is the fact that I partially worked for job A under a student visa affecting my tax declaration? Do I have to specify it or do something in particular about it?

– Any other good advice / useful vocabulary you know that it may be useful when the time comes?

I apologize if my questions sound naive or obvious, it’s my first year as a worker in Japan and my Japanese is not the best, especially when it comes to very specific bureaucratic terminology. I’ve been here for only a year and a half and I hope everything will come out clean for the immigration office when it will be time to renew my worker visa in April 2024.

I hope you guys can help me, so thanks in advance.

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