What is this liquid that came out of a spot in my fluorescent light?

So I was just at my PC when I started hearing sounds coming from the kitchen sounding kind of electrical and it started getting more intense to then kind of stop and instead from a spot it started dripping some liquid to then splash out a certain amount of it to then stop entirely. I’ll attach some pictures if I figure it out, but what is this? It is transparent and clear as if it’s water. Should I be worried and contact the landlord? How should I go about cleaning it of it’s something other than water? [Here](https://imgur.com/gallery/GnpriaK) is the link https://imgur.com/gallery/GnpriaK

Edit: I just remembered that previously when I was not home, I came home to a big pool of liquid which I thought was water at the time in the same spot not knowing how it got there and now thinking about it, it makes sense if it came from this as well. Still don’t know what it is or why though.

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