A Japanese Idol Keeps Messaging Me Unprovoked for the Last 2 Years and has even Sent Me Her Address Twice. Is This Normal?

Ever since she graduated from her group, a former Japanese idol who I followed since she started her idol career has started messaging me on Instagram with surprising regularity.

In our first exchange in our private messages she’s asked me if I wanted to buy personalized pictures (or “chekis”) from her. Since I wanted to show her my support I decided to buy one. But she wanted Amazon points and I didn’t know how to do it, and before I could ask her how to send her Amazon points she told me to mail her an Amazon gift card and immediately followed it up with her address. So now I know where she lives, I guess? It’s so surprising how readily she’ll give away her own address and it makes me wonder if she’s done this with other people too. Kind of sounds dangerous.

Recently she contacted me again asking for a birthday present. Her exact message was “誕プレちょーだい” and when I asked her what she wanted for her birthday she sent me a link to a site called Tokyo recycle. It ended up being an anime figure display case that was 25,000 yen. After that, she sent me her address again and said to have it sent there. I didn’t know how to respond to that since I kind of didn’t want to buy a 25,000 yen anime figure display case and send it to her if she’s not even going to be there to pick it up.

Some context: I did try to send her the Amazon gift card from before, but it ended up being returned to me because she never picked it up from the post office. So I think you can understand my reservations about buying something so expensive for her, especially given that she’s been on twitter talking about how it’s been forever since she has been home.

Anyway, so I decided to leave her on read. I thought I was in the clear and it’s been about a month since she first contacted me about this display case. And then, yesterday I get a follow-up on Instagram from her asking if I sent it yet. Honestly, I have no idea what to do. If anybody has gone through this situation before I would greatly appreciate any input you might have with regards to how to navigate it.

I asked this question in a couple idol fan communities to see if anyone else has had encounters with idols, current or former, like I’ve had with this one and nobody else I’ve talked to has. I wonder if these exchanges I’ve been having with this particular former idol have greater implications than simply the transactions being discussed. I know when she was an idol she had to abide by certain restrictions because ever since leaving the group she was in she’s really let loose in a lot of ways. I know that she also looks at what I post on Instagram from time to time so it all makes me wonder…

  1. I know nothing about the idol industry, but this kind of thing has (sadly) become more common abroad as well; Instagram models and such sweet talking and asking for gifts from their “fans” and gullible men falling for it because they think the model will pay them more attention.

    I would just ignore her or firmly respond that you aren’t into her so much to give her an expensive present. There are many other idols out there to be a fan of

  2. How about blocking her and stop wasting your money on a fantasy relationship? Same goes for hostesses and the likes too.

  3. Don’t delude yourself. She wants your money, which is obvious because she _asked for it_.

    If you really want to see what’s up, why don’t you say something like you’re happy to take her out to dinner as a birthday present.

  4. > she told me to mail her an Amazon gift card

    Classic tactic for grifters and scammers used for tax evasion among others. She is likely doing this to other people as well.
    Block and forget about her.

  5. Choose one:

    1. A has-been idol playing suckers.

    2. Idol group manager playing suckers.

    3. Random person completely unaffiliated to this group playing suckers.

    No matter the answer, you are probably one of hundreds getting played. Ask yourself if this wasn’t some fantasy Girl in Japan™ would you be spending your hard earned cash on a stranger?

    Also if you actually think this is someone’s actual home address, well I got a bridge up north in need of a buyer. Next time, think with your big head…

  6. >A Japanese Idol Keeps Messaging Me Unprovoked for the Last 2 Years and has even Sent Me Her Address Twice. Is This Normal?


    >Since **I wanted to show her my support I decided to buy one**. But she wanted Amazon points and I didn’t know how to do it, and before I could ask her how to send her Amazon points she told me to mail her an Amazon gift card and immediately followed it up with her address.

    So obviously you’re being taken for a ride. This is borderline パパ活 stuff (I prefer トンカツ but up to you) and your first mistake was to *agree* to buy stuff from her. Now she thinks she’s onto a winner so she will keep pestering you.

    She may have fallen on hard times because (I would imagine) idol groups and similar have been restricted in what they can do due to the pandemic. Alternatively, she’s doing fine financially and this is really just a side gig for her to make extra money with absolute bare minimum effort.

    I remember the first (and last) time I went to what I later realized was a kyabakura/hostess bar place (I honestly don’t know the difference, doesn’t matter anyway). The girl/woman who was talking to me would text me on LINE fucking *constantly*. Asking if I’m free, asking if I want to hang out, asking if this that the other. After a few days I just blocked her because it was getting comical. Just ignore it. **The only thing that comes out of stuff like that is money out of your wallet and nothing more.**

  7. Most likely the adress is not her living one, that is why she is not afraid of giving it, she miss delivery and claim to never be home.

    She has no relationship with you. You are kind of a sugar daddy without benefit. If you are fine by it because you just want to give her money and do not care she just see you has someone giving her money (potentially dismissing you for that be clear with that) feel free to continue but you should make it straight with her about the kind of relationship you are paying for : like if you want collector pictures or whatever. Never get delusinal about you having anything more than a business relationship which can end at any time.

    If you think the display is too expensive and you do not want to end up with it if she does not pick it up, make it clear to her. She most likely picked it regarding how much money she can get by selling it back, so should be fine with a lot less as long as she can get it rawlike amazon point, gift card, paypay, …

    It is business : she is selling whatever, you are buying whatever ; you need to figure out what your and her whatever are and if they are compatible. Do not go for delusionnal whatever like : “your love”, she is not selling it. If she try to make it look like she is, run a found a new business partner.

  8. If I guarantee I’ll be at the address I send you to receive it, can you send me a ¥25,000 present?

    Edit: if you think that’s a ridiculous idea, then the same goes for the requests from this idol/random on the internet

  9. Here’s what you should reply:

    No, I didn’t sent it. Now get lost.

    And then you block her

  10. The best way to navigate is maybe get off social media, spend your time/money elsewhere

  11. Block, no need to go through this headache. It’s simple really, cute women know they can get away with this

  12. Honest, non-offensive question: are you a simp? Why would you send someone anything, for any reason? A supposed famous (or soon to be or whatever) person is asking for something from you and you’re like “yeah, sounds great. Let me send you that Amazon card.”

    Like ????

  13. You’re a gaijin? You’re nothing but a toy, candy, zoo animal, plaything, etc… Cut the relationship.

  14. Amazon points = scam. She neither sold her account or someone else is managing that account.

  15. Well it was because you were willing to give “her” a 500 yen present that “she” thought you would buy a 25,000 yen thing… and honestly what idol girl wants a anime figure case… it’s probably some otaku ossan baiting you lol. r/scammed

  16. How would you deal with such a situation back in your home country? Just do the same here.
    I wonder why people always get lost and confused when dealing with Japanese people .

  17. Wtf is this? Youre a troll right?

    Just block her and dont talk to her.


    And in the future, for your own good, dont buy anything for someone You dont know. AKA an idol.

    Some people

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