Trying to decide between HSP or regular work status of residence

I apologise if variations of this question have been asked already

I’m currently on a cultural activities status of residence but it looks like I’m going to get offered a job soon. I’m trying to decide whether I should switch to a regular SOR visa or the HSP one. Looking at the points calculation table, depending on my salary and the conditions of the company, I may end up with 70 points or 80 (I’m not sure if I will get over the 80 threshold or not).

The draw for HSP is the faster track for PR – I won’t use any of the other benefits particularly. The downside is that it’s tied to one job. Honestly I feel like I would be pretty happy to stay here until I was able to get PR in 1-3 years depending (I’m doing an internship there right now so I know I like it), but you never know, I feel like I got lucky to get this job considering my Japanese level is only intermediate (awaiting N2 results) and am not super confident that if I were to loose my job that it would be easy to find another one, so it would make me feel a bit more reassured if I knew I had a visa that doesn’t instanttly terminate if I loose my job and I could keep my visa while looking for work.

I see that you can actually apply for PR early based on HSP points, which kind of makes it seem like there’s no real upside to me getting an HSP visa, only a potential downside, but I’m hesitating because I think that maybe if I got the HSP now, it would be easy to provide proof of having over 70 or 80 points in one or three years down the road. – Maybe that may be difficult if the conditions of the company were to change or I was at a different company by time I apply for PR but maybe it wouldn’t really matter that much.

Just wanted to see if anyone with experience had any thoughts / opinions / insights about what I should do. Thank you!

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