BBC News – Japan: Osaka court rules ban on same-sex marriage constitutional

BBC News – Japan: Osaka court rules ban on same-sex marriage constitutional

  1. I’m paraphrasing but I remember reading something on the MoJs website a while back and it said something along the lines of “we fully acknowledge and have the utmost respect for members of the LGBT community, however at this time no rights shall be given to them.”

  2. Who cares?

    You don’t need gov approval to marry but only to get marriage benefits.

    Stop letting the government dicatate your personal choices.

    Grow a spine. Have a wedding. Invite your friends. Say your vows. Exchange rings. Cohabit and love one another.

    To hell with the government, the courts and the beaurocrats.

  3. All the the new technology in the world won’t make your country civilized.

  4. It bears pointing out that this ruling was about the wording of Japan’s constitution and has very little to do with whether Japan should or should not be making same-sex marriage legal.

    The case was to do with whether refusing to allow same-sex marriage violated the constitution or not. Given that the constitution states that marriage is between “both sexes”, they ruled that not allowing same-sex married couple does not, in fact, violate the constitution.

    Even if it did, it wouldn’t make same-sex marriage legal in Japan – it would just allow already-married (married abroad) same-sex couples to claim the same legal status as male-female couples. The law wouldn’t have changed.

    The ruling does mean that in order for same-sex marriage to be legalised in Japan in the future, the constitution must also be changed to accommodate. This is a very long and not at all simple process, especially in Japan where everything takes forever.

    If the constitution were to be changed and the law rewritten to allow same-sex marriage, this case would have no bearing on either as this case concerns only the wording of the constitution as it stands.

  5. You know, it is their culture sadly. Sometimes you just have to respect it. Some people don’t like our western inclusive approach. Just look at most of Africa.

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