Tsunami Approaching Ishikawa & Noto Prefecture – Please evacuate to higher ground Immediately!

**NHK news is reporting a serious earthquake has struck Ishikawa, and a 5M Tsunami is arriving. Please evacuate to higher ground as soon as possible. Please stay away from rivers, streams and the ocean during this time, and evacuate to higher ground.**

**People in the affected areas must evacuate immediately. Escape to a higher, safe location right away. The time of the tsunami’s arrival is just an estimate. Waves could actually arrive sooner or later. Continue to evacuate as long as the warning is in place.**

**Live Broadcast from local TV station, translated in English with AI – https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/gtvlive/**

**Locations expected to be affected, or are imminently being affected – https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/weather-disaster/tsunami/**

**JR Train Status Information for anyone traveling to/from the area in the coming days – https://traininfo.jreast.co.jp/train_info/e/service.aspx**

Further information from JMA Bosai – https://www.jma.go.jp/bosai/map.html#4/34.5/137/&elem=warn&contents=tsunami&lang=en

Further Disaster Information and Useful Links – https://www.jreast.co.jp/e/pdf/disaster_e.pdf

  1. Thanks for posting the English translated video. We’re in Sendai and got a crazy warning on my phone before the earthquake hit. I’m in my hotel room on the 10th floor and experiencing a quake like this was a first for me. I could really feel the building swaying. Hopefully people on the west coast have enough time to get to high ground and get away from the incoming tsunami.

  2. Is Kanazawa castle high enough? What happens when tsunami warning lifted? Is it safe to go sleep at my hotel tn?

  3. Can I travel to takayama tomorrow ? I will be in shirakawago and Kanazawa a few days after . Would it be safe then ?

  4. was supposed to head to kanazawa on wednesday – should I cancel and make other arrangements? I’ve never dealt with anything like this before

    praying for safety for all those effected

  5. I live in Japan and I strongly recommend not to go Ishikawa, Kanazawa, people who planned to go in 3days.

    Japan Meteorological Agency announced that the earthquakes happens frequently next 3days.
    Plus, I don’t think bullet train is working in Kanazawa. I saw huge damage of houses in Ishikawa on the news.

  6. Thank you for this post…. I’m supposed to travel to Kanazawa on Wednesday 😔 might change those plans now

  7. I’m backpacking thru Japan currently and want to help. What is the best way to volunteer to help the affected people? My visa expires soon, but I’d like to help out while I still can. What organizations would be best to reach out to?

    Edit: spelling and light re-wording

  8. Is it safe to travel to takayama / shirakawago? I guess I shouldn’t be going to Kanazawa then

  9. I’m heading to Osaka through Kanazawa using the Hokuriku arch pass on the 7th. Should I start looking through alternative plans?

  10. Do you think it is safe to go to Gero tomorrow? I know it is in another prefecture but better safe than sorry.

  11. Thanks! Tomorrow evening I’m supposed to go from Nagano to Kanazawa. I’ve got the hokuriku arch pass, so even if I skip Kanazawa and sleep in Kyoto, I still have to pass through there by train, am I stuck here until further notice?

  12. I’ll be in Kyoto and then Sapporo – Hoshino and then niseko in the next week . Will that be safe / okay ?

  13. My reserved shinkansen, Kagayaki (nagano to tokyo) was indefinitely suspended. At nagano station we were directed to take the available train non reservation seats to Tokyo.

    Everyone please take safe!

    Edit: currently on asama 626. Boarded at 8.10pm and we are still at annaka-haruna and it is 9.34pm. The train stops very long between stations

  14. I’m going to Kyoto from Tokyo on the 3rd. Is it safe? Will the bullet train run between Tokyo and Kyoto?

  15. is going from Nagoya -> Takayama -> Shirakawago still relatively safe to go? I assume the bus will not pass by Kanazawa?

  16. Will be travelling to Nagoya and Osaka as well as surrounding areas such as Nagashima Spaland, Inuyama, Ise and Shirakawa-go in about 2 weeks time …

    Would anyone know if it is still safe to travel to this part of Japan and will tourism / transportation activities still be operating as per normal?

  17. Supposed to head to Shimane/coast in two days – Matsue, Izumo and then kinosaki onsen. Should I change my plans?

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