[UPDATE] Totally blacked out in Shinjuku, woke up with a local’s phone (and mine missing)

Hello everyone!

Wanted to give a people an update [on my post from yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/comments/18uvee6/totally_blacked_out_in_shinjuku_woke_up_with_a/) since it blew up, and answer some questions.

Miraculously, I got my phone back. Not sure who turned it in, but it was on a stop on the same line I fell asleep on. For some reason my eSIM had been disabled, which is why it would not show up in find my iPhone. I also turned this person’s phone over to the police at a Koban as suggested! They were very polite, and just asked for my name.

As far the bar I was at – turns out it was in Kabukicho, although I did not get any touts in the bar. For people asking about the bar – I am not going to reveal the name, but after piecing some more things together, I am fairly sure I was not drugged, but was definitely overserved. After I certain point I went “lights on but no ones home,” I assume they must have thought I was alright. The folks there were nice, and while it was expensive, it was just me being an idiot and not a scam.

I still have 0 clue how I got this guy’s phone, I kept it on for a bit to see if he would use find my iPhone and maybe I could get it to him, but no luck there. I feel really guilty about the fact I ended up with it, hopefully it gets back to the guy quick. Despite being totally uninjured/ having my clothes alright, and not remembering anything negative, I am still worried I could get in some kind of trouble for it. Although I assume it would be on the news by now if a drunk gaijin tried to grab a phone from a local, or that the police would have had more to say to me. I was on a train for most of the time so even early in the morning, people would have been around, and I have never been in a fight when drunk.

Anyhow, I think I am going to head over to /r/stopdrinking to look into that, having this experience over here and being so anxious over this stuff is just not worth it. Going to try to enjoy the rest of my time here but this definitely changed the vibe of the trip. If anyone has anything else to put my mind at ease, its greatly appreciated. Very thankful to be in one piece and in such a safe place.


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