TSUNAMI ALERT EMERGENCY! Evacuate and stay safe!!

Huge earthquake (7+) in Ishikawa Prefecture. Please stay safe everyone. Tune into TV and internet for latest updates. This seems very serious.


* Update: @ 1730 Power outage and suspension of natural gas use in affected areas. Keep updated and take action as needed.

* Update 2: @ 1900 Strong seismic activity (6å¼·,7å¼±,7å¼·) is expected for the next week and especially tomorrow and the day after tomorrow (January 2nd and 3rd). Prepare your movement accordingly as public transportation will undoubtedly be negatively impacted.

* Update 3: @2030 Major tsunami warning temporarily downgraded to normal tsunami warning.

* Update 4: @2255 JMA reporting no data coming from tsunami observation stations in Ishikawa’s Noto region. Last reported wave height was 1.2m at 1600. Higher waves could be on the way in the area without prior warning.

* Update 5: @2320 Massive explosions and blaze ongoing in Noto City. Ongoing seismic activity and blocked water delivery making firefighting efforts extremely difficult. There are worries that the fire could spread out of control since most of the buildings in the area are very old wooden structures.

  1. The city cameras stopped working as we watched, we saw some buildings collapse in some other cameras, and then our phones here on the opposite ocean started blowing up, so we ran out… I hope everyone can get out and be safe!

  2. A 5+m tsunami is thought to be imminent. If you are in the coastal areas of the sea of Japan side of the island or along a river seek high ground immediately.

  3. I am very worried for Wajima right now. Waves comparable to Fukushima possible…

    EDIT: Now downgraded from 大津波 to 津波 警報.

  4. Wow! Grabbed the family and ran for the exits with this one. Wont need coffee for a while.

  5. When you’re in a huge old building and it starts swinging… just hoping the building doesn’t collapse. Fuck me that was rough.

  6. 5 meters? and 1 meter tall tsunami is imminent? also the earthquake was of 7.6 magnitude right? pretty significant.. What is the damage like at the center? Also is 1 mt tall tsunami big deal?

  7. Safe here in south Kansai but the TV feed we are watching is pointedly showing us nuclear reactors on the affected coast :-/. I hope for the best for everyone involved and the reactors….

  8. Can someone explain, I’m watching on the news, my Google lens translates the 5m pink tsunamis as “already reached” and the video footage they are showing is mostly calm besides some choppy waters. Is this the calm before the storm or is the worst already over?

    (I’m in Tokyo so it seems like I’m completely safe but I’m watching with interest on the TV)

  9. You can download NHK world’s app for latest updates, they are live with English interpretation.

  10. I’m a little alarmed that our iPhones did not alert us about the earthquake or tsunami in advance, even though I have alerts turned on. I was in the same house with my sister-in-law, and her alert worked fine. Anyone else have issues receiving alerts?

  11. Woke up from a nap with that one. In Kanazawa 10km away from the coast, 23 meters of elevation : am I ok with the Tsunami ?

  12. That Japanese disaster alert sound must have been engineered to be as scary and panic-inducing as possible, I guess it works to make people move.

  13. On holiday in ishikawa, friends house on the 13th floor is trashed, but no injuries. Biggest one I’ve ever felt that shit is scary as hell

  14. I feel very very lucky to be home in Aichi right now. I’ve been spending half my time on assignment in Niigata, which apparently got hit with 5+. My office there is a temporary prefab house, and I seriously wonder whether it is still standing. Even lower chance it will be standing after the tsunami.

  15. Was somewhat disconcerting here in Matsumoto-shi; haven’t felt one like that since I was in Osaka in 2018. Building and such seem fine – thanks modern construction codes – but hope the rest of you are fine.

  16. Was napping on the second floor of a 3-story house in Osaka. Swayed for a good 30 seconds. Nothing major here I think.

  17. We could feel swaying in our place in Tokyo for 7 minutes. It felt like being on a ship at sea. I’ve never felt the ground do that before!

  18. In Shiga it felt like my building was swaying on waves. Longest one I’ve ever felt. Felt slightly seasick after.

  19. Can someone help me contextualize tsunami height?

    I live close to the ocean, less than 1 km away from the shore.

    I’m 15m above sea level according to my topographic map, but also in a narrow valley.

    What sort of tsunami height should worry me?

  20. Was shaking quite a bit here in Joetsu (Niigata). We live a bit more in towards Myoko, so we didn’t have to evacuate… But still pretty scary 😳

  21. I am in Toyama, level 3 of a building, roads are packed, should I evacuate by car ? Serious question. Live near the station

  22. My kominka is structurally safe but so much stuff fell over and broke. Went around the neighborhood with a few people checking all the unused houses for damage etc. will certainly need a deep clean from tomorrow

  23. Was out doing Hatsumode with my girlfriend when it hit.

    Came back to a destroyed apartment. Lots of rock walls around the neighborhood have been toppled. thankfully I live far away from the coast and away from Noto.

  24. In Kyoto but would love to help out somehow, the news is devastating. If anyone knows any resources please let me know!

  25. Here in Kanazawa I was playing Maimai in an arcade basement when the cab started rocking and the electricity/lights went out. Strong quake. Central Kz didn’t see much damage so I went back to Maimai 20 minutes later.

    Lots of broken wine at the conbini. The nearby 7-11 actually closed after the quake and I got there right when they reopened so lucked out on katsudon and karagebo. Famima and another 7-11 remained open so their shelves were barren of ready meals.

    Thankfully my 21in display balancing without a base (lost the screws) didn’t fall. Cleaned up a spilled decanter of oolong. 100yo house did good.

    Lots of people approached me in English or showed me Google translate to ask if I’m ok. Nice people. Hope the injured or having issues get ok soon. Noto isn’t looking great.

  26. i was in kanazawa waiting in line for hatsumode when i felt a little tremor, and then a much bigger tremor. people starting clutching each other in groups and i was like oh fuck, staff was running around telling people to stay away from the stone walls. some small stone pillars fell down. i saw the big stone tori gate and as soon as it stopped trembling i booked it the fuck out of the there via the parking lot. i went uphill partway and tried to find an open area, i stayed there for a bit, then i saw a bunch of japanese people going uphill really fast and i was like oh fuck and started following them. some kind people with a huge piece of land up in the mountain kindly let us hang out in their driveway for like an hour. there was a kind japanese woman who spoke english who helped me with updates as any english language updates were slow.

    now it’s scary with aftershocks quite often, not sure how i’m going to sleep tonight.

  27. We’re sleeping in the living room under the kotatsu—well, my husband and my MIL and her dog are. They didn’t even budge when the house shook again a few minutes ago. I don’t think I can sleep under this bright light and the news on TV, the terror of small aftershocks aside (I’ve experienced an M6 earthquake in my country before, and this time feels like a déjàvu to me).

  28. If you are in Japan, in a hotel and want to know what’s going on with earthquake and tsunami – switch on channel 1 (NHK) and try to find the button saying 音声 or 音声切替 to listen to simultaneous English interpretation.

  29. Hey not sure if this would apply to anyone but just in case of tourists reading this,

    The Weather Channel app (america) sent out a push notification reporting about the tsunami and saying that the tsunami warning was canceled. That’s not the case, only the major tsunami warning was temporarily downgraded to a normal tsunami warning. The normal tsunami warning and the cautions are still in effect as I type this.

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