An interesting cemetery experience

I went for a hike today, the first day of the year, to a mountain in Mie prefecture. When I came down I saw that the next bus from that area was still an hour away (its kind of a remote place so buses are infrequent). So I decided to just explore the neighborhoods. While exploring I came across a dome shaped hill only about 20m high. I climbed up to the top of it to take a nice pic of the mountain I hiked earlier. I realized that it’s actually a cemetery – a very well maintained one with fresh flower offerings (may be their loved ones visited on the New Years day). I am usually not spooked by such places and don’t really believe in supernatural stuff. But what happened next was kind of odd.

While taking pictures I noticed that the area near my right index finger’s nail was bleeding! Lol, how did that happen ? I quickly washed the area with water. But the bleeding wouldn’t stop and a few drop of blood even fell on the ground. I was perplexed as to what caused the injury and how come I did not even feel the pain when it happened. Luckily I had a band-aid in my back pack. I applied the band-aid and said good bye the “folks” resting there and quickly went off the hill. One logical explanation is that I sustained that cut at some point during the hike to the mountain earlier. But because of the adrenaline may be I didn’t even notice it. And later when I climbed that cemetery I might have re-opened the wound somehow.

Oh, by the way the time then was close to 4pm and soon the earthquake episodes started in Ishikawa. We didn’t feel much in Mie, perhaps it was 3 on the Shindo scale. I hardly felt the big one actually, one of the after shocks felt stronger. Any ways, kind of a weird short period of time after the tiring hike. Bus came soon and I was off.

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