Plala via TP-Link AX11000 – Only IPv6 but no v4 connection?

I recently got my hands on a TP-Link Archer AX11000 router and wanted to replace my old Buffalo WSR-A2533DHCP2. I am a pretty noob and don’t know what else to try so maybe you can shed some light on my situation. I have connected everything but cannot connect to the internet with the new TP-Link router. For some weird reason, I can connect to the internet when setting IPv6 to Bridge mode. But doing so gives me only IPv6 internet. I still dont have IPv4.

Some details. I have NTT Docomo hikari (1G) which goes over Plala. I have an extra black box between wall and router. My settings on the Buffalo (which are working) are very limited. It is essentially set to “Internet@Start” and does the rest automatically…

For the new TP-Link archer I tried auto setup but it didnt work. I set it up to auto-detect connection method which found PPPoE. I provided the user name and pw according to my plala documents. I also tried to set TP-Link archer to PPPoE primary and dynamic IP as secondary connection method. I tried to define DNS manually but nothing works. The internet connection keeps showing “connecting”. I do not have any IPv4 IP, submasks or anything. The red LED is indicating no internet.

Under v6 settings, I can select: “Static IP”, “Dynamic IP(SLAAC/DHCPv6)”, “PPPoE”, “6to4 Tunnel”, and “Pass-Through (Bridge)”. If I choose the last (bridge mode), I suddenly have internet but only to v6 addresses. []( shows that I do not have any IPv4 connection but only v6.

I wanted to note, that I waited 30min expecting that it requires some time to setup PPPoE but nothing happened. I also defined the MAC address manually and used the same as my Buffalo, hoping it would change anything but nope… Lastly I tried to use the Plala App since it says, it will help me to setup my internet… well the APP is not compatible with any of my phones available (tried 3 different – 2 androids and 1 iphone, no chance).

I suspect it has something to do with MAP-E/IPoE. I found this support page: []( by TP-Link but it does not list my AX11000. I bought the router in Japan, it has plenty of good amazon (japanese) reviews and is pretty new. I cannot believe it has no MAP-E functionality?

I am also a little confused as my contract does not indicate any v6 functionality. Quite the opposite, it contains a pamphlet advertising IPoE for ぷららv6 and it would cost me some more. So yeah, for now I switched back to Buffalo and everything works…

Any other tips?

Edit 1:
On my baffulo, the IPv6 setting (IPv6接続方法) is set to “Perform internet@start” (インターネット@スタートを行う) but the checkbox for IPv6 bridging is off (IPv6ブリッジを許可する). So It is weird that IPv6 bridge seems to be the only way I got internet on the new TP-Link but it has to be off on my old Baffulo o.O

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