Lose of residence card overseas and no representative in japan


Happy new year folks!
As you can see from the title, I seem to have lost my residence card.

I’m currently traveling across Europe and this is not how I imagined spending the vacation i scrimped and saved years for, but here I am. I can only guess that I lost it somewhere during my transit at Doha because it was rushed and had a second security check when I was seperated from my belongings.

I checked online and all the past posts and know the reentry permit on my passport is enough for Japan but that I need to apply for an Application for certification of the re-entry permit deadline for a document that would help me if the airline doesn’t let me board without a residence card. I’m flying back in the second week of January.

I have since changed countries in the schengen area twice area and now headed to the fourth. I wrote the the airlines, Doha airport, and the airport i arrived at to check for lost property. I plan to file a police complaint as soon as I reach my next destination (on a bus now).

The biggest problem I have now is that I don’t have anyone who can go to immigration office physically and apply for this. I have some friends but most of them are also traveling right now. I work from home and I’ve only been with my current company for a year so no real connections there. And the other Japanese people I know are borderline elderly and I don’t want to cause any meiwaku to them. I was texting a friend there and telling him about this issue and detailed what I’d need to do hoping he would offer to help but he didn’t and I didn’t feel like I could ask him. Which I totally understand.

My question is for the people who went through this before. Could you tell how you got back to Japan? Also, does anyone know any alternative ways i can get that permission from the immigration office or just any advice in general?

Thank you.

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