Making a Japanese Social Media as an American?

Hello! I am learning Japanese, and want to create a social media account in that language. This way, I’d be immersing myself into picking up new words, using/recalling common ones and getting to communicate with lots of new people beyond the language barrier.

My issue is that I am not natively Japanese. Would this be rude/intrusive of me? I definitely don’t want people to think I am pretending to be Japanese either, I think that clarity is probably very important.

I had previously tried to compliment a Japanese artist, but it seemed to have come off rude. They replied with something that didn’t seen to mean anything at all, and I’m worried that I might’ve accidentally said something really upsetting.

So, would it be disrespectful to create a Japanese social media account as a non-native speaker? If not, what can I do to make sure I’m being as respectful as possible about it?

  1. You could look up Japanese names on Twitter. Twitter doesn’t have region boundaries, so anyone in the world can follow anyone else’s account. About a third of the profiles I follow there are Japanese musicians

  2. Would it be rude if a Japanese person who isn’t fluent in English makes a Reddit account? I think it’s the same thing.

  3. I really dislike these ‘would X be offensive’ posts. Makes me sad what social media has done to people’s perception of the world.

  4. Just use Line instead. That’s the main one people use in Japan for social media.

  5. i don’t think it would be! you’d be making friends from another country and i don’t see anything wrong with it. as a chinese-speaker, i get really excited when people do the same with my language and i respect that they’re making an active effort to learn the language.

  6. You’re not going to be pretending to be Japanese, right? Just talking about creating an account, as yourself, on a Japanese social media site?

    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, go forth and make friends!!!

    (Side note … I wonder if anyone still uses mixi?? hahaha. I feel old …)

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