Teaching English part-time online and applying Japanese citizenship or residency later on?

Hi this is someone holding 5 years working visa in Japan.The visa says I can work for Technology/Specialist in Humanities/International Service visa (技術・人文知識・国際業務).

Is it ok for me to just teach English **part-time** on online platforms (and the platforms need to be Japanese based companies, like **Eigox**, etc?) and apply for Japanese **citizenship** or **residency** later on?

p.s I originally was working in Japan full-time as an engineer but it costs me too much time, so I’m looking for a flexible jobs (like tutor or translator) to get more time to learn Japanese. Thanks!!!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Teaching English part-time online and applying Japanese citizenship or residency later on?**

    Hi this is someone holding 5 years working visa in Japan.
    The visa says I can work for Technology/Specialist in Humanities/International Service visa (技術・人文知識・国際業務).

    Is it ok for me to just teach English **part-time** on online platforms (and the platforms need to be Japanese based companies, like **Eigox**, etc?) and apply for Japanese **citizenship** or **residency** later on?

    p.s I originally was working in Japan full time as an engineer but it costs me too much time and so I’m looking for a flexible jobs to get more time to learn Japanese. Thanks!!!

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  2. I don’t believe there is any specific hourly requirement to maintain your status of residence, but you do need to be earning enough to support yourself. If you’re only working part time gigs though immigration may decide that your primary purpose is not working and ask you to change your status to something else (or worst case give you a departure order).

    You’re also obligated to report to immigration changes in your circumstances within two weeks. So if you quit your current job you need to let immigration know. Then you’d need to let them know when you start your new job. They may ask questions about this new job, especially if it’s very different from the job you originally came here to do.

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