Plane Crash at Haneda?

My husbands line sent a recent (very short) news article on a plane that just crashed at haneda. The brief article said the tires gave out and the plane landed on its belly.
I can’t find any more information, does someone have a link to a reliable source?
I hope everyone is ok… what a year it’s been already….

Edit: JAL flight collided with a taxing coast guard plane and crashed on it’s belly on the runway. Plane went up in flames sometime afterward. According to the NHK everyone on the JAL flight evacuated safety. Information on the crew aboard the coast guard plane is unsure.

Edit 2: 5 of 6 crew members aboard the smaller coast guard plane have passed. 1 (the pilot) is in serious condition. The plane was going to Toyama with supplies to help aid in the recent earthquake.
Flights have been redirected to Narita.

Thanks for all the info, I had no idea what was going on and limited Japanese reading comprehension. Stay safe out there everyone.

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