Passenger-filmed video showing 8 minutes from emergency touchdown to complete evacuation of A350 plane in Haneda crash on Jan 2nd. Plane burst into flames 30 minutes after evacuated.

Passenger-filmed video showing 8 minutes from emergency touchdown to complete evacuation of A350 plane in Haneda crash on Jan 2nd. Plane burst into flames 30 minutes after evacuated.

  1. The evacuation itself probably took only a few minutes thanks to the action of the JAL crew as they tried to quickly determine which doors could be opened after the collision.

    And the doors swung open not a moment too soon as the passenger who filmed the evac told the news station he was beginning to feel the smoke in his lungs becoming unbearable.

    During the evac, JAL crew as well as fellow passengers could be heard all telling each other to leave their baggage behind and just GTFO of the plane ASAP.

  2. Kudos to the crew and the passenger telling others ” Listen to the crew we’ll be alright. ” and I think it’s the same guy shouting not to take the luggage.

  3. I wonder why it took so long to determine which of the doors could be used to evac? Those 6.5 minutes seemed like an eternity

  4. I will never understand the need to film during a life and death situation such as this?

  5. It sounds like they didn’t even unbuckle until 6 minutes in. Like I get following rules and the crew is screaming calm down to everyone, but I’d get ready to be able to at a moments notice run. I am not waiting until last moment to find out if my buckle is stuck.

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