Rise in COVID cases prompts Japan to consider delaying travel program

Rise in COVID cases prompts Japan to consider delaying travel program


  1. Is Japan run by the average r/coronavirus commenter/ Dr. Eric Ding, or are these people just really dishonest and cowardly? I’ve said this before, but we’re like a year past “oh this is a little crazy to maintain these policies”. We’re firmly into “this is actually concerning how delusional people are”

  2. The rise in cases just proves it’s NOT because of tourism but spread amongst the population in Japan. There is no reason to blame incoming tourism for the spread.

  3. They were the last country to join the free world weren’t they?

    They really want to go back. Just do the same bans on them.

  4. I suppose he wouldn’t have done this if it were not for the failure in last election for LDP. I wonder if core LDP supporters will approve of this though. Maybe giving subsidy will do good enough to keep influential business owners happy? It seems like a bit of tight rope.

  5. For everyone complaining about Japan not opening up to international tourists:

    This is about *domestic* travel, ya fuckin loons.

  6. Good. I remember when they were doing go to travel during the early days of the pandemic. What a dumb idea

  7. In this thread: people who only read headlines and jump to shout their REDDIT RAGE.

  8. Barely anyone has come to Japan, this is all because of traveling salary men.

  9. > “Cases are increasing in a surprising manner,” Omura told a news conference

    I’m not sure what exactly is surprising about being hit by a wave that is also hitting 100+ other countries at the same time.

    I’m seeing mixed messaging here. Japan already has various prefectural level tourism and travel subsidy programs running (as per the article), yet they are also telling people to do all they can to avoid infection and spread.

  10. Dumb idea in the first place. Why should taxpayers subsidize the holidays of others?
    Those who can travel already do.

  11. Hey Japan. Consider that this might not go away and it’s time to ADAPT. The old population surely isn’t helping with this.

  12. I honestly have no hope that Japan will open for international travel this year.

  13. Basically let’s just say, China and Taiwan and Japan are gonna basically be closed off to non-essential travelers and TRAVEL for the foreseeable future, and move on. Why are we still waiting for them to change rules they don’t want to change RN? Let their government try to do its job.

  14. Why isn’t anyone taking about the new foreigners coming in and bringing Covid with them?? Not to mention the ones visiting their home country and coming back! /s

  15. I check this sub everyday in hopes for news about tourism opening up to individual travelers and it’s seems like I will never get the chance to visit Japan. Covid is gonna be with us for decades if not the rest of this century. We need to learn to live with this. I’ll take a few more vaccines if that’s what’s needed. I just want to travel this rock before the next big global shit show.

  16. Are spouses allowed to come into the country? Are they even giving out spousal visas right now?

  17. Japan literally shot itself in the foot.
    Almost every country opened to tourists months ago and got tourist money. And when they decide to start open they get hit by another wave

  18. This is good because Japan is doing what they think is best and Japan is a country that takes sanitation seriously.

  19. Damn.
    It’s never going to end.
    Guess I’ll go to Korea next year, maybe even the North as that seem more inviting at this point 🥲

  20. 😂 All the YouTubers in Japan have been saying, “Don’t plan travel yet. Japan will absolutely change their mind.” Confirmed.

  21. Stupid idea. COVID cases are increasing *despite* a lack of foreign tourism on par with pre-COVID tourism. Cases will increase whether tourists are let in or not.

  22. Fuuuuuuck!! That means I might as well throw my October travel plans in the trash

  23. Closing borders for tourists= increase in Japanese women marrying foreign men

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