Bringing specific omiyage for seniors at work – do or not to do?

Situation: one of my seniors at work (she is also my teacher) talked to me about a specific snack that she really liked when going to Europe. As I went back to Europe for the holidays, I’m ofc going to bring some omiyage back to work.
The snack that she talked about is sold in my country, and I was thinking of bringing it to her on top of other omiyage for everyone else.

The reason why I’m unsure about it is because of this: we have a very typical 師弟関係 relationship, meaning she often treats me to lunch or dinner, gives advice etc etc.
There was one time when I kind of wanted to thank back for all of this and bought some sweets for her, she seemed to be awkward about it. After that, literally the next day, she bought me some sweets back.

I wonder if buying stuff that she talked about will make her feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, what she talked about is very difficult to find in Japan and I feel like it’d be kinda oshii to not get it for her.

Edit: both of us are women.

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