Vending machine destroyed for evacuees “to secure drinking water” Anamizu Noto Peninsula Earthquake

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On the 6th, it was reported that several men and women broke a vending machine at Anamizu High School in Anamizu Town, which was used as an evacuation center for the Noto Peninsula Earthquake, on the night of the 1st and left drinking water for the school’s evacuees. This was revealed through interviews with the school. The person who broke the vending machine said, “I was also an evacuee, and I asked the administrator if I could break the vending machine in order to secure drinks,” and Ishikawa Prefectural Police said that there is no sign of a criminal incident.

According to Anamizu High, several people who came by car used a device to pry open the vending machine, took out the drinking water, and left it at the evacuation center.

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