Someone shining flashlight at front door at night; security advice, experience?

A month or two ago, someone was flashing a light at our doorstep. We’re in a very quiet suburb.

When I opened the door, there was no delivery truck, only a darkened figure across a parking lot looking our way and directly in the viewline of our front door that seemed to dart away.

We were about to get the lock fixed and had something affixed to the door for a padlock, and the fixture can easily be removed with a screwdriver.

Lock now fixed, but any experience with people flashing lights on your door, etc?

Any easy way to set up a security system, any good precautions to take?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Someone shining flashlight at front door at night; security advice, experience?**

    A month or two ago, someone was flashing a light at our doorstep. We’re in a very quiet suburb.

    When I opened the door, there was no delivery truck, only a darkened figure across a parking lot looking our way and directly in the viewline of our front door that seemed to dart away.

    We were about to get the lock fixed and had something affixed to the door for a padlock, and the fixture can easily be removed with a screwdriver.

    Lock now fixed, but any experience with people flashing lights on your door, etc?

    Any easy way to set up a security system, any good precautions to take?

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  2. >We were about to get the lock fixed and had something affixed to the door for a padlock, and the fixture can easily be removed with a screwdriver.

    So your in the process of fixing your door?


    >Any easy way to set up a security system, any good precautions to take?

    Plenty of security system to buy on Amazon or other related websites. Also depends on if you own or rent. If you rent you might have to ask landlord what can be installed.

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