Looking for advice on internet situation

I am in a small apartment (3 units) in Tokyo that has a shared WiFi connection that is set up in the bottom floor of the building. It has generally worked OK enough over the last year or so, mostly as the other units in the building have been empty. But recently the units have been filled, and more specifically the unit below me has become occupied and now the connection gets messed up frequently. I have gotten access to the box on the bottom floor to be able to reset the router when this happens (DNS gets screwed up and can’t get IP, likely when a microwave interrupts and all the devices go to connect again and can no longer get IPs from the router).

Frustratingly, every time I have run into these problems I am in the process of potentially moving out, which in previous cases got shelved due to work or personal life situations that would make moving difficult or not optimal to do at the moment and the cost of renewing is better than moving. But this always prevents me trying to set up a different internet solution.

Now that the backstory is out of the way, this situation just can’t continue as this time I have job interviews and do need to actually search for a new place (while also be able to do other stuff with my internet). So I am trying to think of a solution that will either work short term or be something I could carry over to wherever I managed to find to move to in the coming months.

The difficulty lies in the fact that I will need to move this year, ideally before May, which means getting something that locks me in for 2 years could be a little tricky unless it is easy enough to transfer. Have gotten permission to get a direct line to the room, but just have hesitated as the situation was relatively stable for the past 6 to 8 months while the place was mostly empty, and been a bit hesitant to pay high install costs if I ended up moving within a few months anyways.

Just curious if anyone has any experience or suggestions for some way I could alleviate this and still be able to function until I do move out. I have some side work that requires doing some large file transfers over the next month or so as well, which kind of complicates things. I kind of hope/expect it is possible to go and set up the proper private hikari line and then just have them transfer it to my new place, but I am sure there are requirements in the new place that would need to exist to properly carry things over. Just would like to avoid also getting hammered by some penalties if even worst case I had to kill it in 5 months if the new pace doesn’t support it.

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