These Fuji Cult people are doing too much

Hi japanlife hope yall are having a better day than I am

Recently I was in Animate looking for some new manga. This extra friendly japanese guy approaches me and starts talking about manga.

After talking for a while he says that he is gonna visit US and wants to learn better english. So I naturally think “Oh he just wants to learn English, well I can use some japanese practice myself as I got no japanese friends”.

Next day he starts pressing me to meet him. I tell him I got stuff to do. We eventually decide on a time and I say “maybe he is just weird its ok whatever”

We meet and go to eat some gyudon. 5 minutes into the convo he starts mentioning how for good luck he prays to buddha. Mind you this doesnt seem unnatural at first since I had told him that I would go to church today.

He starts saying that he wants me to see the 15 minute praying practice and wants to take me there since its close. At this moment I wake up completely (perhaps a bit late).

I ask him if this is the same practice as those people with mount fuji posters bothering me every two weeks in my apartment. He says “Yes”.

At this moment I drop all polite form and hit him with the “omaera wa mendo kusai yo ne”.

I ask him if this is why he wanted to meet me. And of course the answer is yes again. So I tell him to never contact me ever again and leave the place.

This was the most elaborate shit ive ever experienced. Do you guys think that it was obvious from the manga store or?

Side note: He had brought a guy with a casted leg and no teeth to the meet as well. This guy didnt talk too much but now I’m paranoid about if they are gonna try and harass me even more

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