Jay White appears on CBS Sports Central

Jay White appears on CBS Sports Central

  1. It’s the Champ, @JayWhiteNZ, joining @chrishayre & @KristinSmithTV tonight on Sports Central!

    @njpwglobal @njpwworld @CBSLA

    [Link To Video](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1538402720406679553/pu/vid/1280×720/53uvVAAmbwfJh3t6.mp4?tag=12)

    posted by [@SportsCentralLA](https://twitter.com/SportsCentralLA/)

    [Thanks to inteoryx, videos are supported even without Twitter API V2 support! Middle finger to you, twitter](https://github.com/inteoryx/twitter-video-dl)

  2. Looks more sombre and humble as opposed to his usual bravado braggard demeanor as the switchblade

  3. This is one of the reasons Jay is such a great champion for NJPW. As great as he is in the ring and on TV, the work he’s doing outside of the wrestling bubble to bring more attention to it has been top notch. The guy is effortlessly charming when he needs to be.

  4. Honestly Jay is the perfect representative for NJPW to have going into a string of international shows in the US, the dude is fantastic on the mic and in the ring, and is a natural when it comes to appearances like this.

  5. I loved watching this… Very genuine (slightly heelish for the fans watching) Jay White.

  6. He’s been doing so much work for New Japan these passed few years.

    He deserves to have that title.

  7. I’ll probably mention it in another thread at some point.

    But how does NJPW fans feel about their NJPW wrestlers being represented in AEW leading up to Forbidden Door?

    I’m a big AEW fan but felt they’ve been on a slippery slope after Revolution.

    I was hoping being exposed to NJPW for forbidden door that I’d finally get the chance on US tv to see and enjoy what they have to offer….But I literally don’t care, feel the build could be way better and introduction to the wrestlers on the side should’ve been presented much better.

    I’ve since checked out some NJPW videos on YouTube and it feels it’s not even the same presentation for their wrestlers that you normally see on NJPW.

    Prime example, Jay White just seems like a smooth passionate bad motherfucker in NJPW, in AEW I wouldn’t know that.

    What say you?

  8. It would require A LOT of flying back and forth between both companies, doesnt matter how much they plan the logistics would make it very hard either way. Not excusing the booking because it could be better but lets be honest here, this PPV targets the hardest of hardcore fans. There could be no build and the hardcores will still buy it.

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