19(F) thinking of moving in 8 months

I’m half Japanese and have dual citizenship here in the US as well as Japan. My mom and I have lived alone together majority of my childhood and she recently retired and moved back to Japan.

The rest of my family is spread out all across the states and I ultimately chose to move over to where my dad and sister live. I have been working full time (and have been working for 3+ years), as well as fully online college, and I have my own apartment which my mom helps out a 1/4 amount of the expenses, but the rest I pay all by myself.

The thing is, I feel stuck and moving over to this state with my dad and sister hasn’t felt as liberating as I thought. The traffic, demographic of personalities that I have met so far (all wanna party or smoke), blandness, lack of stand alone nature, etc just hasn’t been making me feel as satisfied with living here. Mind you it’s been about half a year now.

My bestfriend, who is also half Japanese, and has family in Japan is on an exchange student program and comes back from India in a few months. We have been talking about how crazy it is that we can really do anything: her go to india, me provide for myself (in every way but that quarter of rent my mom contributes lol) in a new state and live ALONE ALONE.

We’ve recently been talking about living for a year in Japan while I potentially try to transition my position to another location that the company I work for has in Japan and continuing to study online.

My japanese culture knowledge is there, i grew up with my mom and visit japan every other year to see family, but the language part is an obstacle. I can understand when spoken to but can barely speak.

Considering I am a freshman in college, lack of speaking skills, citizenship, and wanting to stay for only a year, what would you recommend to be the best route upon the move?

I have already gotten the wait for a degree insight, but I am more so set on figuring out and planning for the near future.

Also, in the instance that someone doesn’t have citizenship there, what’s reliable work without a degree?

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