Wife’s brother is hikikomori, how to manage long term

Very niche subject and not sure how many out there can provide insight… but my wife’s brother is full-on hikikomori for the last six years after suddenly withdrawing from masters degree. Hasn’t left the house, barely speaks with parents but is still functional to the point he can do laundry and make his own food. They have been working with counselors, therapists, etc for all this time doing what they can, but no progress, it’s sadly looking to be a lost cause.

While this doesn’t impact me right now, I do become concerned thinking in the long term when my wife’s parents eventually pass or become too old to take care of him. He is 長男 and my wife is second oldest, so many things may full on her in such a scenario. This may sound crass, but I don’t want me or my wife to become responsible for him.

Not really any specific question to ask as I’m sure not many have similar experience. But if there is anyone else out there that has hikikomori in their family, how do you/would you consider managing such a situation?

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