Side business under a humanities visa (sole proprietorship, taxes, admin…)

Hi! I’ve researched on the sub a little and got a little overwhelmed so I thought I’d straight up ask since I haven’t seen this question posted recently.

Switched from a student visa to a humanities visa in September 2023 to teach (typical freelance contract with the school that sponsors me, not many students, very low income but, hey, visa). This is the job I was able to get in order to stay in Japan after graduating.

I mostly do creative work on the side. I edit videos for clients, do illustration commissions and this little business has been growing a lot recently so I’m feeling the urge to get my ducks in a row admin wise.
What are the steps I need to take to be in the clear?

First of all, I know some creative work is covered by the humanities visa but I’m not sure about illustration work and video editing. Do I need to file for “Application for Permission to Engage in Activity other than that Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted”?

Secondly, how do I ‘declare’ this side activity? Do I need a special tax number, file for sole proprietorship? That’s where I get majorly confused.
Future goals are to do art exhibitions with local art galleries, sell prints, merch etc. so I’d like to do it right. (Doubt I’ll ever get an artist visa but ideally I’d want to quit teaching and have this as my main job. But that’s a little way down the road.)

Sorry if that’s a lot and all over the place, I’ve just went down an admin rabbit hole and I’m more confused than ever. Paperwork is clearly not my forte and with my luck, I’d probably be the type to end up accidentally commiting tax fraud just by being an absolute airhead. Would be grateful for any help that would help avoid that.

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