Biology major (non-research) looking for feedback on long term plan to move

This is my first post, so apologies for any formatting errors.

Right now, I’m a 23M in my last semester of college in America. My degree will be a B.A. of Biology from an accredited 4 year university. I have taken Japanese classes along with my Biology classes so right now I’m somewhere between N4 and N3. My current plan is to graduate next semester and begin working for a pharmaceutical company, either one based in Japan with an American branch or an American Company with a branch in Japan. Next semester and after graduation, I will continue studying Japanese until I am N2 or above.

My current goal is to gain enough experience and reputation working for the pharmaceutical company to be transferred in-house to Japan so that the company will handle my visa and such other necessary sponsorship details once I have reached decent fluency. Is this reasonable to think that I will be able to transfer in-house to Japan? Or should I expect that I will have to apply for biology/pharmaceutical job in Japan normally and compete against natives for the same job position?

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