Healthy snack ideas?

Since coming to Japan I have unfortunately fallen into the trap of the incredibly cheap and tasty snacks available at literally every turn— problem is I get really bad cravings and end up spending a lot of money on junk food. I’m trying to eat healthier and find good snack alternatives that are still tasty so any recommendations, premade or things I’d need to prepare are good to know! My favorite healthier snack at the moment is kimchi, for reference. Trying to eat more veggies, and I love pickled/spicy food, so it’s a win win to me, minus the amount of salt. I also really like to cook but I’m asking specifically on here because while I don’t have a preference for a specific cuisine it’s hard to find many ingredients here and I don’t have an oven, only the classic induction burner and rice cooker, so yeah.. snack ideas that are doable for cheap in Japan are something I’d love to know right now. I miss being able to oven roast sweet potatoes and other veggies, sigh.

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