What do people think of this short doc on Fred Rosser? Do we want more of these types of videos from Strong? What would you improve or change?

What do people think of this short doc on Fred Rosser? Do we want more of these types of videos from Strong? What would you improve or change?

  1. This seems to be a new thing from Strong. What do you think of it and do you want more? I personally feel like they could release more doc stuff but I’m curious what other people want.

  2. I thought it was great. I don’t know that it would work for everyone. Fred has an awesome story. The feud with Lawlor has been booked to perfection.

  3. I love it. This sort of stuff is part of why modern pro wrestling is what it is

  4. Wrestling benefits a lot from these sorts of things, I think all wrestlers should have them if they feel strongly enough about their characters. MJF did one of these that was really good.

    The feud between Fred and Tom has been brilliant. One of the hidden gems in wrestling for over a year now. Looking forward for the final blowoff.

  5. Woah. Thanks for posting this. I had no idea it existed. I love Fred’s work in NJPW.

  6. I think it’s great, Pro wrestling is best when they blur the line between real life and story. I’m going to order a block the hate t-shirt now.

  7. I really like the video package. I like Fred. He seems like a really good guy outside the ring. His problem is that he is just a guy. Man, I don’t want to be too critical of him cause he is so likable, but you look at Tom Lawlor. He has a personality of some crazy hillbilly/redneck. He is really Filthy. It’s awesome. It works for him. Fred just doesn’t have a true persona. He is sorta the bland babyface. I wish he was more dynamic and showed more fire in his promo. Have more of a gimmick.

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