Yokohama city song

Lyrics: Mori Ogai, music: Minami Yoshie

Japan, the country where the sun rises, is an island country.
The morning sun shines on the sea.
If there are islands that are next to each other,
Ships can come from all countries.

Although there are many ports,
Is there a port better than Yokohama?
If you think back to a long time ago, you can see a place where there was a lot of smoke from hovels.

Now, look at the place where hundreds or even 10,000 boats are anchored.
Look at the era of His Majesty the Emperor, who prospers endlessly.
A port where treasures come in, Yokohama.

わが日の本は島國よ 朝日輝ふ海に
わがひのもとはしまぐによ あさひかがよううみに
聯り峙つ島々なれば あらゆる國より舟こそ通へ
つらなりそばだつしまじまなれば あらゆるくによりふねこそかよえ
されば港の数多かれど 此横濱に優るあらめや
さればみなとのかずおおかれど このよこはまにまさるあらめや
むかし思へば苫屋の烟 ちらりほらりと立てりし處
むかしおもえばとまやのけむり ちらりほらりとたてりしところ
今は百舟百千舟 泊る處ぞ見よや
いまはももふねももちふね とまるところぞみよや
果なく榮えて行くらん御代を 飾る寶も入り來る港
はてなくさかえてゆくらんみよを かざるたからもいりくるみなと

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