Need help on my studies

Basically i have learnt japanese by myself for quite awhile now, i can read most of the N5 kanji even some in N4 and N3 kanji. I can read hiragana and katakana but i still have trouble understanding the sentences even when the kana/kanji that i know and understand were it that sentence i just still cannot get it into my head i will be in a state of confusion. also i still trouble constructing a sentence. i can make a simple sentences like: 日本の食べ物が好きです but i still have trouble when i try to step up for a higher level.

so my question is, what should i need rn do i need more grammar exposure or i should interact with somebody who speaks japanese? what sort of material should i need?

if you willing to help me Thank you so much.

1 comment
  1. Without knowing you or your study materials, I’d take a mock JLPT N5-N3 and see where you land. If you’re closer to N4, find a textbook like Genki 2; if you’re closer to N3, find one like Quartet 1. Quartet 1 is especially good because it provides reading strategies.

    Next, concentrate on the long readings and dialogues. Hire a tutor to check your understanding and work on skills which seek to build longer, more complex sentences like writing and speaking.

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