Last night I was reading Shadows Of The Empire and a chapter mentioned Giant Ithorian snail with flounut butter. It gave me flashbacks of me eating grilled sea snails in Japan with my grandfather. 😋

Last night I was reading Shadows Of The Empire and a chapter mentioned Giant Ithorian snail with flounut butter. It gave me flashbacks of me eating grilled sea snails in Japan with my grandfather. 😋

  1. I had one of these at a festival in Japan a few years ago. The smell of these while being grilled is so good.

  2. That sounds really good. I lost my grandfather a couple years ago, whom was like a second father to me. It’s amazing how little things can bring back those old memories. One of his favorites was making BLT sandwiches together.

  3. That’s a nice memory. I saw some of these in the grocery store today. It always surprises me how if you poke them, you find out they’re still alive :s

  4. This is like the only food that I just hate. Makes me feel nauseous whenever I eat it.

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