When I first started learning Japanese and subbed to a lot of the main Japanese language learning subs and a lot of people give Cure Dolly’s videos a lot of praise. Most people said these videos made things “click for them.” I am realizing that now, but only after a year of learning Japanese.
After watching the first four videos, I was shown the が particle, the short dictionary form of verbs, the past short form of verbs, the ている form of verbs, etc. Now I understand why this never clicked for me in the past. And it was because when I first started learning Japanese everything was は particles, the present and past formal tense of verbs, and definitely not て and ている forms of verbs.
Admittedly I am learning Japanese primarily through college, so I am going at the pace of the courses, but after 2 completed courses and completing Genki I, Cure Dolly is making a ton of sense and its a great resource.
How would a beginner approach Cure Dolly’s videos? I could not get a grip on anything in the videos early in my Japanese path. Now watching them again, I want to sit down with my text book and review the grammar points she is going through. What has been your experience and do you have any recommendations?