Hard time finding an English only roles as a developer in Japan

Good night, I’m a residence in Japan now, so I think I can post this here now.

Sorry but I just wanna share my frustration and hopefully feel better after that.

I have 3 years of experience as a developer and a CS degree
Speak English and Spanish
I moved here but sadly I had to leave my Job as a software engineer in an UK company based in my country, it was a really good company and environment but I prioritized Japan.

It’s a little bit hard to always get messages like “we regret bla bla but at this time bla bla”
I never got so many rejections until I reached an IT role before.

Something I learned in a bad way is, even for Developers Roles you should have a N3 or minimum N4 ideally N2
Most of the companies reject me because that and others contact me but when I ask if English is ok? They say no, because the team only speak japanese etc.

Is really hard because I love work as a developer
I got experience with languages as JS Node C# RN native and learning Go and Java (doing projects)

So I thought I’ll be ok doing Job hunting here, anyway this is what I love to do so I started a japanese course and studying at home as well
So in the worst case scenario I’ll find a job in a restaurant or something like that (it was my job before become a developer )
But I hope someday I got the chance work as a developer in Japan or when I reach a good japanese level so I can apply to all that positions. mostly 90% on linkdln jobs say japanese is required.

So just wanted to share this experience and anyway I’ll just continue studying and doing my best.

This is my portfolio


If you have any advice is welcome and will appreciate it.
I’m working on some projects so it’s not totally updated

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