Manga for Early Intermediate Learner? Something like Doraemon but with more kanji than Doraemon?

Hi everyone! Can you recommend a manga series for an early-intermediate learner? Ideally something on the same level of difficulty as Doraemon BUT with MORE KANJI than Doraemon. I gave a look to some samples of Doraemon and I like the way it’s written (easy sentences and easy vocabulary) but I don’t like that there is so much hiragana in it (even for easy kanji such as 言 , 昼 , 寝 , 疲 , 僕 , 薬 , 当 , 前 , 理 , 達 , etc…) it confuses me.

So.. can anyone recommend a manga series “grammatically” and “vocabulary” as easy as Doraemon (and that still has furigana) but just with WAY more kanji in it? Is there such thing?


  1. I debuted on slime mori mori ( paper version ) doesn’t know if there’s an scan one.

    Easy read through + some good kanji. I personally think it’s at the easy level but it might be what you’re searching for.

  2. Not even remotely fluent in Japanese although I’d like to learn it. Ive found resources over the years with the intention of learning. Maybe these will help. Check out and

  3. Just read what you’re interested in. It will take more work, maybe, but it will pay off when you can rouse yourself to do it instead of boring yourself with material meant for little kids.

  4. Doraemon was authored for elementary school students. Junior high-school students read shonen. So, shonen, maybe.

  5. Dragonball is fairly easy, if you start from the very beginning when Goku is just a tiny kid.

    Edens Zero has much more kanji than Doraemon, and it has furigana. There are some sci-fi terms, and a more expansive vocabulary, but the writing is generally really simple for a shounen manga since it’s geared for a younger crowd.

    からかい上手の高木さん (Teasing Master Takagi-san) is what I often recommend for early intermediate people, even though it doesn’t have furigana. The writing is generally super simple with very simplistic plots, and uses much shorter sentences than even in Doraemon. You see more kanji but it’s all really common kanji.

    Doraemon was my favorite when I was a child, and it still cracks me up today, but, yeah, the heavy-usage of hiragana might be harder for you to figure out some words, especially some of the colloquial words which could be seen as rather old-fashioned now.

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