Adjusting to different time zones

I plan to go back to visit the UK soon but I always find it hard to adjust to a completely opposite time zone. Does anybody have any recommendations for what I could do to kick the jet lag quicker? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me!

  1. Try to not sleep on the plane, arrive exhausted, and plan on a long, long initial sleep in the new time zone. I usually end up staying awake for more than 24 hours, then sleeping about 50% longer than I usually do.

  2. If you’re not working, try going to bed as late as possible (roughly 4am) two days before you fly.

    Before you get your flight, check the U.K. time and try to sleep on the plane at around the same time. I usually aim to sleep around 7pm/8pm U.K. time.

    When returning to Japan, try to do the opposite on your last day (roughly going to sleep 8/9 hours ahead).

    I’ve done this on both of my trips back to the U.K. and never had jet lag. Hopefully it works for you.

  3. get out in the sunlight when you arrive and spend as much time in the sun as you can, helps reset your body clock

  4. I always try to sleep around the right time once I’m in the new time zone, regardless of how tired/sleepy I might be (and it may become complicated), trying to avoid napping or falling asleep earlier.

    It may also depend whether you take a night or day flight, etc. as for me some make it easier to adapt.

  5. I read before that fasting may help with jetlag. I don’t really know about the science behind it, but I do intermittent fasting anyway so I ended up doing an “experiment” completely by chance. basically when I arrived in Japan I ate a meal at around 4pm, I fell asleep at around 8pm, and then I didn’t eat anything until noon the next day as I usually do during intermittent fasting. and I can honestly say I didn’t experience any jetlag at all this time around. it may be a coincidence/placebo and the exact fasting hours probably should be adjusted, but if you’re used to some form of fasting this may be something for you to look into.

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