Input on mentioning a specific incident when making a noise complaint

TLDR; Noisy musician neighbor went on an hour long unhinged yelling incident during early evening. Should I mention this when calling in a separate noise complaint?

Just want to get some opinions before calling in a noise complaint tomorrow (today? it’s been a long night). Making a noise complaint is not new territory for me-current tenant above me arrived in May 2023 and has been pretty much been a nightmare. He’s a musician and enjoys belting out songs in the middle of the night. Currently 3:45 A.M. as I type this-I’ve been listening to his wonderful (/s) singing since 1:00 A.M.

Anyway, I’ll call in a complaint tomorrow (3rd time I’ve done this) and the guy will probably quiet down for a month like he’s done in the past. My question is if I should mention another incident that happened Saturday during non-quiet hours. At 5:00 P.M. the guy started some unhinged yelling. No real words, just sounded like rage. It was bizarre. This lasted for 30 minutes. He then took it outside and I could hear him yelling down the street. Came back inside, yelling was then accompanied by stomping and slamming doors. Another 30 minutes of this and another trip outside and then he was finished. It was fairly disturbing and I was glad to be in my apartment rather than meeting him on the stairs. But is it worth mentioning to the property management company as it happened during normal daytime hours?

Sorry for the wall of text. Hopefully it’s coherent. Bit sleep deprived.

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