
I’m starting to do research on the Japanese Kamon to pick out the right one for me and that represents me well so I was wounding if anyone knows of any websites that list all 2,500 Kamon or are close to listing them all.

Thank you.

(In English would be best.)

  1. I understand that you want to use a Kamon that represent your values and who you are as an individual. But this may be a touchy subject to certain people of Japanese heritage as they are passed down through generations.

    Here is a bit of a deeper dive into the different ones and a more comprehensive list. From here you would probably need to research each one individually.

    I can see that you want to pay respect to the culture itself and that you mean no harm.


  2. Can I ask how you plan to use a Kamon?

    My instinct is that I agree that they are fascinating, and some are beautiful, but I can’t imagine any use that a non Japanese person could have for one. It feels like they have a particular purpose and meaning, and a westerner adopting one because they liked the symbolism would feel disrespectful and appropriative. That said I am not Japanese, so it isn’t my place to say whether Japanese people would or should be offended, and I don’t know enough to be able to say that there isn’t a legitimate tradition of them being adopted as informal logos or similar.

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