Have Some Questions Regarding Learning Japanese, Please Help Me Out Here!

First things first, I decided to learn Japanese using AJATT just because it makes the most of the sense in some of it’s ground (Also cause I’ve been watching anime for 2 years with subs but still picked up a lot), also, since I’m learning Japanese for untranslated VNs and badly translated LNs (I do hope to have an entire collection in Japanese tho) it makes sense to learn from that niche content to gain mastery over it

But the entire throw the textbooks out the window part of AJATT leaves me conflicted, to say the least, so here’s a list of questions I wanted to ask you all, AJATT or not, please impart me with your wisdom!

NOTE: I have RTK Vol. 1-3, Genki I and II as well as the JP1K deck along with Tango N5/N4 Anki Decks.

NOTE 2: When I am using a premade deck, for that duration, I have decided to immerse in Podcasts and Graded Readers and then when starting sentence mining switch to Anime & Manga *(as well as LN/VN/WN later on)*

NOTE 3: The main reason for which I’m learning Japanese is Anime, Manga as well as Light Novels, being able to write Kanji isn’t very useful for me. Being able to speak Japanese is tho (since I want to visit the country after all)

1. First of all, how should I even use RTK? **Take Lesson 1 for example that teaches 15 Kanji**:
1. Do I just read all over them?
2. Do I write them?
3. Do I make Anki cards out of them?
4. If I do make cards, how should I be making them? Keyword on front? Kanji on front? I don’t really have any interest in writing Kanji so just being able to read it is enough for me, keep that in mind please.
5. Is writing Kanji even needed anymore?
6. Is RTK *even needed anymore??*
2. Where does Genki and Tae Kim fit in this? I feel like I also want to gain some grammatical ground on Japanese. Should I do the Tango decks with Genki or the JP1K?
3. ***OR SHOULD I JUST SCRAP ALL OF THE ABOVE*** and start with JP1K and immersion STRAIGHT UP?? This really needs to be answered guys
4. I also want to go monolingual as early as possible, and make my sentence mining cards have complete monolingual definitions, please some tips on this.
5. When should I just straight up switch my OS to Japanese?
6. If I am using a premade deck for vocab, why are Kanji Studies helpful
7. JP1K vs Tango. Which one is better?

I Hope You Can Help Me Figure Out The Answers To These Questions!


by bewiz123

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