Soon will end the 5-year period of the first investments I made using the old NISA, five years ago.
( 1 ) If I want to keep that money invested, what am I supposed to do with them?
I have seen the keyword “rollover” around the place but I am not sure if it has something to do with selling old NISA and using the money to buy the same asset in new NISA scheme.
And if the advice is to sell old NISA assets at the end of th 5-year period…
( 2 ) How do I know how much to sell each year? For example, I have been buying into an S&P500 fund monthly for five years. I think I would ideally want to sell the amount I invested in the first year, plus the (compounded) profits corresponding to that amount. Then, next year do the same for the amount I invested in my second year of old NISA, and so on. Am I supposed to calculate the amount on my own? Or is there something obvious I am missing?
Thank you for your help!
by NihonbashiJazz