Cheap place for laptop repairs? Doesn’t need to be English-speaking.

I did a search but couldn’t find many recent/relevant results.

I was fiddling with my laptop (upgrading the SSD and RAM and installing a new battery) and somehow tore the keyboard ribbon cable so a cluster of buttons no longer work.

I bought a new keyboard off Amazon but actually separating the keyboard from the baseplate thing would require melting/remelting a million little plastic rivets, which I simply don’t have the tools to do myself. I asked Asus and they want 13000 yen just to look at it plus whatever else the part costs (keyboard and base plate, I’m assuming it’ll be at least another 10000 yen).

I don’t need an English-speaking place. I know exactly what my problem is and I have the replacement part in hand. What kind of place will do the job for me with a minimum of fuss?

I live on the Yamanote line and work near Tokyo Station.

by ext23

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