Drinking Water


I lived in Okinawa (OIST – which is next to Onna), and was drinking the tap water there for 5 months. Only now do I see all the news about the military chemicals contaminating the drinking water ([https://www.okinawatimes.co.jp/articles/-/998284](https://www.okinawatimes.co.jp/articles/-/998284), [https://www.stripes.com/news/okinawa-residents-warned-about-pollutants-in-spring-water-outside-kadena-air-base-1.580430](https://www.stripes.com/news/okinawa-residents-warned-about-pollutants-in-spring-water-outside-kadena-air-base-1.580430)), and I’m getting concerned.

Does anybody know if this would have affected the tapwater around Onna? And how concerned should I be? Those chemical concentrations seem pretty high.

by Scuba_Questioner

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