Visa Renewal Process – Which is better?

Looking to get some awareness or just info –

Bit of context:

I was able to get another job in teaching. However, because I am a direct hire and not through dispatch, I’m curious about the visa renewal process for an Instructors Visa (especially because I live in Nagano)

The school said they would prepare the application but I would need to go to the immigration office.

…so here are some of my questions:

1. Would it be better to go in person to immigration or do the renewal process online?
2. If in person is better, which immigration office is better – Shinagawa/Tachikawa office or Nagano branch (I live in Nagano)
3. I’m renewing an Instructors Visa – besides what they tell you on the website, is there anything else I might need to bring?

Any tips or tricks would be helpful – thank you in advance!

by LolipopStinkLolipop

  1. If they’re willing to give you time off, do it in person.

    If not, look up guides on how to do it online. It’s quite the pain in the ass and you need certain gear, but for some people where traveling to their local immigration is a 5-6hr journey and they need to use their own vacation days, it’s worth it.

  2. You live in Nagano, so you’d go to the office in Nagano or wherever it says online.
    The online site is a mess apparently, so going in person is easier imo.
    Just bring what the weekdays requests to bring.
    Application, passport, zairyuu card, tax documents from city hall, letters of employment etc.

  3. If you are tech savvy and understand japanese do it online. Is not that difficult. Otherwise go in person

  4. 1. In person.

    2. Nagano.

    3. The applicaiton plus whatever paperwork your employer is supplying you with should be more than enough. Renewals are easy, assuming you don’t wait until the last minute and understand what the stamp on the back of the card means.

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