Need help with 16 days Nagoya, Nakasendo, Inuyama (Mid Oct 2024)

Hi all, need some assistance on an early itinerary for Nagoya this year. The flight dates has already been confirmed for 19th Oct to 3rd November and cannot be adjusted. My husband and I are planning to visit Nagoya mostly for the history and culture (He likes Oda Nobunaga) and we both love food and nature. We also like to collect goshuin.

Here are the current plans:

19th Oct: Red Eye Flight from 1.20am from Singapore. Will book accommodations for 18th Oct so we can instantly check in and rest as much as possible.

**19th-20th Oct Activities:**

* Nagoya Castle Festival
* Nagoya Odori ( Will reserve tickets via the website once dates confirmed)
* Nagoya Festival (Especially attend the Procession of the Three Feudal Lords)

**21st Oct:**

Full day Ghibli Park, especially Ghibli Warehouse and Valley of the Witches.

**22nd Oct:**

Currently only have Atsuta Jingu planned here.

**23rd Oct:**

Check out of Hotel, take Shinkansen to Nakatsugawa followed by bus to Magome. Check in to Tajimaya or Magome Chaya, explore Magome and have a early rest.

**24th Oct:**

Breakfast and set off from Magome to Tsumago.

* Take bus from Tsumago to Nagiso
* (if have time) 1 hour trail from Tsumagoto Nagiso

Check in to Nagiso Hostel Yui-an.

**25th Oct:**

* Chill at Hostel Yui and full wind down day.
* (alternatively) Head to Nagiso town and explore (?)

**26th Oct:**

Breakfast and check out of Hostel Yui-an. From Nagiso, travel to Kiso Fukushima. Check-in to Kiso Fukushima Hotel. Explore Kiso Fukushima.

**27th Oct:**

Not fixed but perhaps day trip to Narai-juku.

**28th Oct:**

Check out of Kiso Fukushima, head to Inuyama. Will plan to book accommodations near Inuyama Station and just explore nearby.

**29th Oct:**

Possible full day at Meiji Mura.

**30th Oct:**

Check out of Inuyama Accommodations , visit Inuyama Castle, Sanko Inari Shrine.

Check in to accommodation near Nagoya Station.

**31st Oct:**

Maybe check out the Yattokame Cultural Festival and Nagoya Sakae Nightlife?

**1st Nov:**

Visit Osu Shopping District, with a stop by of Osu Kannon and Banshoji.

**2nd Nov:**

No plans at the moment

**3rd Nov:**

Departure back home.


# Questions:

1) Currently a little stumped on how long it’ll take to trek part of the Nakasendo from Magome to Tsumago. Will one full day be sufficient from Magome to Nagiso?

2) Originally instead of Kiso Fukushima, wanted to go from Tsumago to Gero. However, the Nohi bus was discontinued during covid and there’s no updates until now on when the bus service will resume. Is there a way to do 1 day from Magome to Tsumago and then towards Gero Onsen and then Takayama?

3) We would like to sample some of the local regional food. Besides these, are there any must try regional food/restaurants?

* Sekai no Yamachan (Fried Chicken wings from Nagoya)
* Furaibo (same as above)
* Komeda coffee (Try the morning set, especially ogura toast)
* Konparu (heard they have ebifry sandwich that is quite famous and morning set)
* Daijin Honten ([]( Wanted to visit the oldest (?) Izakaya in Nagoya.

4) Are there any interesting places that we may have missed out?

Thank you!

by SarahSeraphim

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