Working Remotely in Japan with WHV with Canadian Employer


I have WHV that expires next summer and planning to go early next year. I wanted to ask about people’s experience working remotely in Japan while employed in a different country.

I work in engineering consulting and I am fully working remotely. I asked my employer if I could work remotely for a year and was told that due to taxation and labour laws, they cannot support an employee to work out of the home country more than 6 weeks. If they had an operation in Japan, they could rehire me under Japan office and have me support the home organization through InterOpCo agreement, but they don’t have an office in Japan so it doesn’t work.

So my manager asked the HR and the above is the response the manager received from the HR. I am going to speak to the HR to better understand what they mean by taxation and labour laws, and if they could extend the 6-week limit. I just wanted to ask here if anyone has had any similar experience and know anything about tax/labour laws. This could just be the company policy, but I just want to prepare before I speak to the HR.

If it doesn’t work out, maybe I will try to ask if I could do 6 weeks working remotely + vacation + short-term leave of absence so I can at least spend a few months in Japan. I am a 31M so not sure if quitting my job and going for a year makes much sense :(.

by smjeffery22

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