PLEASE HELP! CoCo Curry Hunt.

My wife and I recently returned from our second trip to Japan where we discovered with great delight that CoCo does make-it-at-home sachets. In our feverish happiness, we neglected to note that each box only has one serving. One perfect, wonderful, nostalgia-filled serving per box.

Had we known that there was one per box, we would have likely bought another suitcase and loaded it up. Instead we grabbed the 4 available boxes and we have just eaten half of our supply this evening. After destroying our plates, reality set in that we need to stock up but we can’t track it down barring one supplier on ebay where we’re staring down the barrel of $50 for 2 boxes (1 meal). The desperation is real and I am considering this price but, before re-mortgaging our home, does anyone know where we can order the curry sauce pictured? We are from Australia as a general FYI!

by Chesthair_dreadlocks

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