Is it enough to work part time jobs

1. planning on saving around 20-40k and maybe buying a house flat out so all i would have to worry about is electricity, water and other miscellaneous bills
2. definitely not going to live in Tokyo because of how high vie heard the prices go and just planning to live somewhere more rural or maybe just a less populated city.
3. I’ve always thought of just working simple just like at a convenience store, a department store, or maybe even English teaching(not as simple) but I’ve been wondering whether that’s even possible – to be allowed to live in japan with just a part time job i.e. having a status of residence from doing part time jobs. Apart from the visiting Visa, will i be able to maintain a work visa from working part/full time?
4. the whole purpose of having a status of residence is so that you don’t get deported right? and after five years, with the right documentation, I can apply for citizenship? or is a part time job going to hold me back. I could also work full time if i can even find one but that’s for me to find out and preferably before i get there.
5. i do speak enough Japanese to last me 3 weeks on a holiday mainly speaking Japanese and having barely any misunderstandings – always somehow able to get my point across with manners of course. i haven’t had the best life and im stricken with some sort of a mental plague that doesnt allow to further my studies very well so this is one of the plans ive thought of and just wanted to know if it was possible

im very open to opinions and criticism so please let me know if this even sounds feasible and if not please do let me know how i should change my plan. if anyone has any idea of what the market like is in japana s well for housing please feel free to drop some numbers it would be very much appreciated


by rocoberrry

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