Experiences moving out of Leopalace/ reparation costs

Hello! I’m moving out of my Leopalace after my 2 year contract finishes and I will be moving to my home country after that. I have really taken care of the apartment and there is absolutely minimum damage, I do count on them making me pay a replacement for the crappy table they gave me (the typical short, 4 legged one that gets the surface broken by just having some tape fall onto it) does anyone know where they sell the same curtains and tables Leopalace buys? Im thinking of buying replacements as it is much cheaper than what they say they would charge me for them on the website. Anyway, when I moved in I didn’t file a damages report, the previous tenant smoked like a chimney and my house stank of tobacco, the ceiling has always been yellowish (you can see a small white spot on the ceiling from when they changed the fire detector to a different place) am I screwed? Will they charge me for that? Can anyone share how much they paid for damages when leaving leopalace? I am extremely anxious they will try to scam me as I have heard awful things about them…

by Missfrizzle91

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